Student Involvement in Academic Monitoring
Our school actively involves students in monitoring their own academic progress. Students understand their own academic standing compared with their own goals or post-secondary plans. They know what classes are expected for their goals. Students are active participants in making plans to address any identified academic gaps.
Not Yet
Students are not actively involved in monitoring their academic progress.
There are opportunities for students to be involved in tracking their academic progress and doing high school course planning, but it is reliant on students to initiate the process or it is limited to specific teachers. It is not pervasive in the school culture. Or
It is a school practice, but students are mostly told what to do and are not actively involved in understanding their own progress or needs based on their goals.
We Got This!
Students are actively involved in monitoring their own academic progress, including both credits and test scores. If school uses growth data (ie MAP) students know how to track growth and use scores to consider progress toward being “on track” for college readiness tests. Students are actively involved in mapping out their academic pathway based on post-secondary goals including accessing support and enrichment classes as needed and knowing what courses are expected/best for their goals.
Indigenous college students often share an experience of not knowing their own lack of college preparedness until entering college. In Alaska, we have often heard the story of a school validictorian requiring remedial classes in college. Many of these students felt deceived and stated they would have been willing to do things differently if they had understood they were being underprepared. Having students understand what is expected to know and do compared with their current status is a necessary first step. Students then need to be actively involved in developing a plan to address the gap through additional course work or support services.Directly involving students allows them to take an active role in their own preparedness.
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Larimore and McClellan (2005) identify precollege academic preparation as predictive of college persistence for Indigenous students and suggests that attention of precollege preparation is necessary for improvement.
Guillory and Wolverton (2008) Interviewed AI/AN college students. The students listed their own lack of academic preparedness as a barrier to college success and expressed exasperation toward the K-12 education that steers AI/AN students into low academic classes .